Get Involved
LEARN Science & Math Club, a non-profit that provides kids with rich, hands-on science and math experiences, was born when we realized American kids are falling behind, ranking 17th in science and 25th in math. The solution was clear: give kids lots of time to work on fun, engaging STEM projects, and they would grow. So, we created tons of fun, hands-on classes and camps, and they worked! The kids were thrilled and clamored for more.
Since 2004, LEARN Science and Math Club (LEARN) has grown significantly each year. This year, we hosted approximately fifty science, engineering and math programs. And, we did all of this with no paid staff. Everyone involved volunteered their time; some Board members have routinely volunteered 20 to 40 hours per week for many years.
Parents and kids continue to ask LEARN Science & Math Club for more – more classes, more camps, more events, more scholarships and more advice. And, we want to help.
To meet these needs, we plan to expand existing services and introduce new programs. To do this, we need your help. So, get involved. Whether you are a parent, grandparent or a geek, you can make a difference! By lifting up our kids and helping them learn and grow, we will make a better future for kids and ourselves. You can get involved in a lot of different ways; just click on the links below to learn more: